Hi! My name is Leigh and working in the Human and Social Services in Australia is the ONLY work I have fully investigated and explored since a High School Leaver.... circa 1990!
Several degrees and over 25 years experience with the Government and Not For Profit sector via contracts, projects and service co ordinating and managing, I arrived at Private Practice. A soft launch occurred in 2012 however 2019 is the Era of my Own Practice!
I operate out of Pathways Health and Research Centre, home of the Friends Program, owned and operated by the Dynamic Michelle Hall (https://www.pathwayshrc.com.au/).
As a fellow registered and accredited Mental Health First Aid Instructor, Michelle and I team up together professionally to provide a Family Friendly one stop shop in terms of mental health education and resilience building to assist those who need Whole of Family support.
Pathways and I can offer a specific service for those directed to Whole of Family counselling and support via the Family Court, being able to meet the individual needs of family members.
I also provide highly entertaining versions of the Mental Health First Aid via the 'Leigh and Julie Show' with Julie Gillespie (https://www.julie.gillespie.direct/). I am the Clinical 'voice' to Mental Health education whilst Julie provides valuable insight from a Lived Experience.
As an accredited Mental Health Social Worker with the Australia Association of Social Workers (AASW) I have a medicare provider number and can provide clinical psychological services for individuals, couples & groups both via medicare and NDIS rebates/allowances.
Over the years I have developed a strong working knowledge of the Non Neuro-Typical brain and offer enthusiastic psychological support services to those on the Spectrum of Autism. I actively promote diversity in my practice emphasising 'different, but NOT less than'.
My preferred mode of intervention strongly reflects Psycho Neuro Therapy techniques and beliefs, thus I have a confident knowledge of working with Individuals and Family Members in Recovery from a diagnosis or symptoms of PTSD; Personality Disorder; or Addiction. Note I write 'Recovery'; I apply model of change theory and work with individuals who seek to change behaviours that do not work in their favour and
I do embrace those experiencing Grief and Loss and /or significant hardship, adversity and/or change processes to work towards what I tend to categorise as the 'New Normal'
Above all I personally and professionally remain highly pet friendly. There are times where I may bring puppies to the work space being a Foster Carer with Safe Haven Animal Rescue.
I am trained to attend a Critical Incident in the workplace and apply Psychological First Aid on site in given work spaces; I leave the pups home that day but do bring my Best Self.
I also offer excellent Supervision services for those seeking requiring professional support.
Looking forward to Working with you SOON! Leigh *
