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Welcome to Club Awesome!
Home of MH (Mental Health) Services and Training
Leigh Fraser-Gray is Founder/Clinical Lead of MH Services and Training (MHS&T):
MHS&T adopts a proactive, proud and confident stance to Mental Health issues.
Membership to Club Awesome is automatic for anyone who accesses our Mental Health services. Mental Health is a HEALTH issue so let's nix the stigma and replace with a staunch commitment to tackling mental health issues head on!
MHS&T works with Individuals, Groups and Organisations with an aim of Prevention (awareness raising), Treatment and/or Recovery through offers of Counselling, Supervision and mental health related Training.
Yes, we provide a range of EAP type services and supports for your people!
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) is a particular specialty area at MHS&T. We have even developed our own Traffic Lights Model of Coping Capacity (c 2018 - 2021) model to guide intervention for Leadership and HR purposes.
As a result, MH Services and Training can work alongside a range of pre-existing systems such as:
- Public and private health and psychiatric care
- Workplace Health and Safety Psycho Social Hazard Management
- Leadership / Management
- Human Resources / People and Culture
- Workers Compensation, Unions and Employee Support
- Victims of Crime and/or Injury
- Veteran support
- Other related health based, human centric entities.
Our practice approach reflects both Accredited Mental Health Social Worker (AMHSW) and related clinical practice frameworks, ethics and intervention methods, whilst our In-house Research and Development in neuroscience and brain chemistry shapes our evidence informed approach.

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