Leigh Welcomes Feedback!
Leigh Fraser-Gray has been providing professional Social Work and psychological clinical services for over 25 years.
Leigh can’t do what she does without your support and input, so please help to continue to improve her services.
Feedback provides an opportunity to Thrive, Grow, Learn and Develop and Evolve.
Your Feedback is VITAL to allow Leigh to identify and amplify service strengths and rectify any concerns or identify areas of growth.
Leigh appreciates your:
Suggestions - to help improve services
Compliments - to help appreciate the importance of what she does well
Testimonials - to help others decide if Leigh could also be of assistance to them
Complaints - to help identify any problems, to understand what is important to all her clients, and to find a solution.
Guidelines to submitting a suggestion, compliment or complaint
Who is the feedback process for?
The feedback process is available for all clients
How can I make a suggestion, compliment or complaint?
You may write a letter, discuss the matter over the phone, or arrange an appointment.
You can also email lfrasergray@gmail.com.
Your feedback is very important to Leigh, so your comments will be noted and acted upon in a timely manner.
Please send all letters to the following address: Collective Wellbeing Hub, Level 1, 79 Vulture Street, West End QLD 4101
If you would like to discuss your matter over the phone or arrange a appointment Leigh, please call 0424 582 878.
What happens after I submit my feedback?
If it is a compliment, it will be cherished by Leigh and maybe put up on her wall.
If it is a complaint, Leigh will arrange a suitable time to sit down and discuss the matter with you so that an agreed plan of action can be agreed upon.
For clients referred to Leigh via Psychological Therapy Services , Wesley Mission Queensland, please direct any concerns, feedback or complaints to https://www.wmq.org.au/mental-health-services/brisbane-south-psychological-therapies-program.
Use of Client Information Complaints Process:
Broader complaints about Leigh's use of your client information may be directed to your GP or the AASW, Queensland Branch,
P: 03 9320 1000 or 1800 630 124 (toll free alternative) E: aaswqld@aasw.asn.au